[Judges 21:8] - Then they asked, "Which one of the tribes of Israel failed to assemble before the LORD at Mizpah?" They discovered that no one from Jabesh Gilead had come to the camp for the assembly.[Judges 21:9] - For when they counted the people, they found that none of the people of Jabesh Gilead were there.[Judges 21:10] - So the assembly sent twelve thousand fighting men with instructions to go to Jabesh Gilead and put to the sword those living there, including the women and children.[Judges 21:12] - They found among the people living in Jabesh Gilead four hundred young women who had never slept with a man, and they took them to the camp at Shiloh in Canaan.[Judges 21:14] - So the Benjamites returned at that time and were given the women of Jabesh Gilead who had been spared. But there were not enough for all of them.[1 Samuel 11:1] - Nahash the Ammonite went up and besieged Jabesh Gilead. And all the men of Jabesh said to him, "Make a treaty with us, and we will be subject to you."[1 Samuel 11:3] - The elders of Jabesh said to him, "Give us seven days so we can send messengers throughout Israel; if no one comes to rescue us, we will surrender to you."[1 Samuel 11:5] - Just then Saul was returning from the fields, behind his oxen, and he asked, "What is wrong with the people? Why are they weeping?" Then they repeated to him what the men of Jabesh had said.[1 Samuel 11:9] - They told the messengers who had come, "Say to the men of Jabesh Gilead, 'By the time the sun is hot tomorrow, you will be delivered.'" When the messengers went and reported this to the men of Jabesh, they were elated.[1 Samuel 11:10] - They said to the Ammonites, "Tomorrow we will surrender to you, and you can do to us whatever seems good to you."[1 Samuel 31:11] - When the people of Jabesh Gilead heard of what the Philistines had done to Saul,[1 Samuel 31:12] - all their valiant men journeyed through the night to Beth Shan. They took down the bodies of Saul and his sons from the wall of Beth Shan and went to Jabesh, where they burned them.[1 Samuel 31:13] - Then they took their bones and buried them under a tamarisk tree at Jabesh, and they fasted seven days.[2 Samuel 2:4] - Then the men of Judah came to Hebron and there they anointed David king over the house of Judah. When David was told that it was the men of Jabesh Gilead who had buried Saul,[2 Samuel 21:12] - he went and took the bones of Saul and his son Jonathan from the citizens of Jabesh Gilead. (They had taken them secretly from the public square at Beth Shan, where the Philistines had hung them after they struck Saul down on Gilboa.)[1 Chronicles 10:11] - When all the inhabitants of Jabesh Gilead heard of everything the Philistines had done to Saul,[1 Chronicles 10:12] - all their valiant men went and took the bodies of Saul and his sons and brought them to Jabesh. Then they buried their bones under the great tree in Jabesh, and they fasted seven days.